Scientific evidence

Meeting international scientific standards is a core principle of Geistlich Biomaterials. Geistlich Bio-Oss® and Geistlich Bio-Gide® bone regeneration materials are the most researched products in regenerative dentistry worldwide1,2.
New products, such as Geistlich Fibro-Gide®, are investigated rigorously before being released on the market. Geistlich products have been tested and developed for use in various therapeutic areas, in collaboration with more than 100 universities and leading surgeons.
Bone regeneration
- About 1400 publications validate the efficacy of Geistlich Bio-Oss® and Geistlich Bio-Gide®3.
- Geistlich products have been used in more than 10 million patients.
Soft-tissue regeneration
- Development and testing of Geistlich Mucograft® and Geistlich Mucograft® Seal involved more than 150 surgeons from 13 countries.
- More than 20 Geistlich Mucograft® Expert Roundtables discussed international clinical experience with the collagen matrices.
- Product efficacy has been documented in more than 300 long-term cases4 and more than 15 independent scientific publications.
Biomaterials from Geistlich Pharma AG are the most-documented products in regenerative dentistry worldwide.
- iData Research Inc., US Dental Bone Graft Substitutes and other Biomaterials Market, 2011.
- iData Inc., European Dental Bone Graft Substitutes and other Biomaterials Market, 2012.
- Pubmed search (19. September 2013)
- 6-month or longer follow-up. data on file, Geistlich Pharma AG, Wolhusen, Switzerland