Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen®

Regeneración ósea guiada simplificada.
Las anamnesis médicas y dentales de los pacientes, o la posición del defecto óseo son solo algunos factores que pueden añadir complejidad a sus procedimientos de regeneración dental. Además, la demanda de los pacientes relativas a un tiempo de tratamiento reducido, a soluciones duraderas y no dolorosas es cada vez mayor.
Por eso hemos desarrollado Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen®.
Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® es una jeringa precargada que contiene gránulos Geistlich Bio-Oss®, el injerto óseo natural n.° 1 en odontología regenerativa4,5,6,7,8,9,10 , que se ha utilizado satisfactoriamente en más de 15 millones de pacientes.3
- Data on file. Usability test Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® 2021
- Karmon B et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2020 40 (2), 223-30.¨
- Data on file. Based on the number of units currently sold. (Wolhusen, Switzerland).
- US market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_USDBGS19_MS, Published in January 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
- South Korea market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_SKDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- Japan market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_JPDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- Europe market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_EUDBGS19_MS, Published in July 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
- India market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_INDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- Australia market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_AUDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- China market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_CHDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- Data on file. Geistlich Pharma AG usability test Gesitlich Bio-Oss® Pen, 2011
- Galindo-Moreno P et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2010; 21 (2), 221-7.
- Orsini G et al.: Oral Dis 2007; 13 (6), 586-93.
- Jung RE et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2013; 24 (10), 1065-73.
- Chackartchi T et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2011.
- Dos Anjos TL et al.: Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2016; 45 (12), 1556-63.
- Urban IA et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2013; 33 (3), 299-307.
- Chiapasco M et al.: Minerva Stomatol 2013; 62 (1-2), 3-16.

- Sencillez. Diseñada para usted: Desde la preparación hasta el uso, Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® le facilita las cosas en su enfoque regenerativo.1
- Alcance lo inalcanzable: Con la punta aplicadora curvada de Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® podrá alcanzar e injertar fácilmente el defecto óseo en regiones de difícil acceso de la boca.11
- Disfrute de un control preciso: El diseño del aplicador en forma de bolígrafo le permite tener el control a la hora de liberar los gránulos Geistlich Bio-Oss®.1
- Obtenga resultados sostenibles: Geistlich Bio-Oss® es el biomaterial biofuncional líder en el mundo, que favorece la vascularización y la neoformación ósea.12 Su lenta tasa de reabsorción aumenta la estabilidad del material de aumento13: el mejor requisito para las tasas de supervivencia a largo plazo de los implantes dentales.14
- Data on file. Usability test Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® 2021
- Karmon B et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2020 40 (2), 223-30.¨
- Data on file. Based on the number of units currently sold. (Wolhusen, Switzerland).
- US market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_USDBGS19_MS, Published in January 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
- South Korea market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_SKDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- Japan market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_JPDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- Europe market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_EUDBGS19_MS, Published in July 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
- India market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_INDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- Australia market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_AUDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- China market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_CHDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- Data on file. Geistlich Pharma AG usability test Gesitlich Bio-Oss® Pen, 2011
- Galindo-Moreno P et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2010; 21 (2), 221-7.
- Orsini G et al.: Oral Dis 2007; 13 (6), 586-93.
- Jung RE et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2013; 24 (10), 1065-73.
- Chackartchi T et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2011.
- Dos Anjos TL et al.: Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2016; 45 (12), 1556-63.
- Urban IA et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2013; 33 (3), 299-307.
- Chiapasco M et al.: Minerva Stomatol 2013; 62 (1-2), 3-16.
Lista en solo 3 sencillos pasos: Hidratar. Cambiar las puntas. Aplicar.
En tan solo unos pasos, conseguirá la consistencia de aplicación correcta de los gránulos Geistlich Bio-Oss®. Entonces estará listo para aplicarlos en el defecto óseo.
- Data on file. Usability test Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® 2021
- Karmon B et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2020 40 (2), 223-30.¨
- Data on file. Based on the number of units currently sold. (Wolhusen, Switzerland).
- US market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_USDBGS19_MS, Published in January 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
- South Korea market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_SKDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- Japan market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_JPDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- Europe market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_EUDBGS19_MS, Published in July 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
- India market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_INDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- Australia market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_AUDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- China market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_CHDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- Data on file. Geistlich Pharma AG usability test Gesitlich Bio-Oss® Pen, 2011
- Galindo-Moreno P et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2010; 21 (2), 221-7.
- Orsini G et al.: Oral Dis 2007; 13 (6), 586-93.
- Jung RE et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2013; 24 (10), 1065-73.
- Chackartchi T et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2011.
- Dos Anjos TL et al.: Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2016; 45 (12), 1556-63.
- Urban IA et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2013; 33 (3), 299-307.
- Chiapasco M et al.: Minerva Stomatol 2013; 62 (1-2), 3-16.
Nosotros recomendamos. Usted elige.
Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® está diseñada para el uso en procedimientos de regeneración ósea guiada y regeneración tisular guiada en presencia de:
- defectos óseos en la cresta alveolar
- anomalías dentofaciales y malformaciones
Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® está disponible con dos tamaños de gránulos Geistlich Bio-Oss®: pequeños y grandes.
Tamaño de los gránulos (mm) | Volumen de llenado (cc) | |
Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® gránulos pequeños 0.25 g | 0.25-1 | 0.5 |
Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® gránulos pequeños 0.5 g | 0.25-1 | 1 |
Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® gránulos grandes 0.5 g | 1-2 | 1.5 |
La diferencia entre los dos tamaños de gránulos radica en el volumen que ocupan; se consigue el mismo rendimiento clínico con gránulos pequeños o grandes. 15,16
Puede elegir libremente el tamaño y el peso de los gránulos que mejor se adapten a sus necesidades de regeneración. Pero, le recomendamos lo siguiente:
- Data on file. Usability test Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® 2021
- Karmon B et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2020 40 (2), 223-30.¨
- Data on file. Based on the number of units currently sold. (Wolhusen, Switzerland).
- US market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_USDBGS19_MS, Published in January 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
- South Korea market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_SKDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- Japan market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_JPDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- Europe market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_EUDBGS19_MS, Published in July 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
- India market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_INDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- Australia market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_AUDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- China market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_CHDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- Data on file. Geistlich Pharma AG usability test Gesitlich Bio-Oss® Pen, 2011
- Galindo-Moreno P et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2010; 21 (2), 221-7.
- Orsini G et al.: Oral Dis 2007; 13 (6), 586-93.
- Jung RE et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2013; 24 (10), 1065-73.
- Chackartchi T et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2011.
- Dos Anjos TL et al.: Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2016; 45 (12), 1556-63.
- Urban IA et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2013; 33 (3), 299-307.
- Chiapasco M et al.: Minerva Stomatol 2013; 62 (1-2), 3-16.
Adopte la sencillez. Empiece ahora su viaje.
Los odontólogos más destacados ya están utilizando Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® gracias a su facilidad de uso11 - combinada con más de 30 años de rendimiento regenerativo probado del injerto óseo Geistlich Bio-Oss®. 14, 17, 18
- Data on file. Usability test Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® 2021
- Karmon B et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2020 40 (2), 223-30.¨
- Data on file. Based on the number of units currently sold. (Wolhusen, Switzerland).
- US market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_USDBGS19_MS, Published in January 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
- South Korea market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_SKDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- Japan market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_JPDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- Europe market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_EUDBGS19_MS, Published in July 2019 by iData Research Inc., 2019. (Market Research).
- India market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_INDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- Australia market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_AUDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- China market report suite for dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials, iDATA_CHDBGS18_MS, Published in November 2018 by iData Research Inc., 2018. (Market Research).
- Data on file. Geistlich Pharma AG usability test Gesitlich Bio-Oss® Pen, 2011
- Galindo-Moreno P et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2010; 21 (2), 221-7.
- Orsini G et al.: Oral Dis 2007; 13 (6), 586-93.
- Jung RE et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2013; 24 (10), 1065-73.
- Chackartchi T et al.: Clin Oral Implants Res 2011.
- Dos Anjos TL et al.: Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2016; 45 (12), 1556-63.
- Urban IA et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2013; 33 (3), 299-307.
- Chiapasco M et al.: Minerva Stomatol 2013; 62 (1-2), 3-16.
Ahora le toca a usted adoptar la sencillez.
No todos los productos presentados en este sitio web están registrados y aprobados para su venta y uso en todos los países o regiones por las autoridades pertinentes. Las indicaciones de uso también pueden variar según el país y la región. Póngase en contacto con el representante de Geistlich Pharma AG de su país para obtener información y consultar la disponibilidad del producto.