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Global Videos
Geistlich Pharma specializes in the regeneration of bone, cartilage and tissue. More than 700 employees worldwide work for Geistlich in the area of regenerative medicine. With its twelve affiliates and 60 distribution partners, Geistlich’s products reach around 90 markets worldwide. The twelve affiliates cover the UK, Germany, Italy, France, China, Brazil, South Korea, North America, Australia, New Zealand, India and Japan.
The Swiss company, which has its headquarters in Wolhusen, Central Switzerland, plus one other Swiss site, strives for Swiss Quality. All research and development as well as production take place at its headquarters in Wolhusen. The new build extension which opened in 2019 in Wolhusen reinforces the philosophic approach “Everything under one roof” and is further affirmation of the site. Bone and collagen have been manufactured here continuously since 1899.